miercuri, 21 martie 2012

Un-education. Reflecții despre viitorul educației artistice

(scroll down for English version)

Va invitam la seria de ateliere, prezentari si conferinte din cadrul proiectului UN-EDUCATION. Reflectii despre viitorul educatiei artistice care va avea loc in perioada 27-30 martie 2012 la subRahovastr. Sergent Nutu Ion nr. 2Bucuresti.

UN-EDUCATION este o cercetare teoretica si practica a modelelor posibile si problemelor actuale specifice studiilor superioare in arta. Proiectul este o reactie la lipsa de dezbateri, atat in discursul public cat si in contextul academic, legate de provocarile sociale si profesionale pe care le presupun noile reglementari europene. Toate universitatile romanesti au fost evaluate si re-clasificate de catre Asociatia Universitatilor Europene, ceea ce a dus la o declasare a tuturor universitatilor de educatie artistica. In perioada postcomunista, profesiile artistice si-au pierdut treptat importanta ca pozitie sociala relevanta, iar declasarea nu face decat sa accentueze aceasta tendinta. Standardele uniforme impuse tuturor universitatilor, indiferent de profilul si nevoile fiecareia, genereaza un dezechilibru al oportunitatilor de dezvoltare.
Pe de alta parte, educatia artistica reprezinta un caz specific, unde nu se pot aplica reguli rigide, unde metodele inovatoare si experimentale de predare si invatare pot fi testate spre beneficiul intregului sistem educational. De asemenea, aceste probleme si preocupari au fost in mare masura transferate de la universitate catre institutii de arta si initiative informale, intr-un proces care si-a capatat in artele contemporane chiar numele deturnura educationala.
Proiectul reuneste mai multi teoreticieni si artisti care au predat, au scris sau au ridicat problema educatiei artistice in proiectele lor, oferind astfel publicului mai multe perspective pornind de la care ne putem imagina un viitor al educatiei artistice intr-o situatie specifica, fara a ignora un context mai larg.
Participanti: AAA+, Kristina Ask, Michael Baers, Pavel Braila, Alexandra Croitoru, E-cart.ro, Catalin Gheorghe & Cristian Nae, Bogdan Ghiu, h.arta, Mihaela Michailov, Irit Rogoff, Attila Tordai-S.

Marti, 27 martie:
12:00-17:00 – Cand sensurile cuvintelor incep sa se schimbe. Atelier cu h.arta
18:00-19:00 – Art to be re-confirmed. Prezentare Angelica Iacob (E-cart.ro)
19:00-20:00 – Educratia. Prezentare si proiectie Carla Albert & Dan Angelescu (AAA+)
Discutii cu studentii pe marginea celor doua proiecte
20:00-21:00 – Cum se poate preda/ invata performance-ul? Prezentare Pavel Braila
Miercuri, 28 martie:
12:00-17:00 – Cand sensurile cuvintelor incep sa se schimbe. Atelier cu h.arta
18:00-19:00 – Educatia artistica: mai multe institutii sau mai multe proiecte/ lucrari artistice? Prezentare Attila Tordai-S.
19:00-20:00 – Invatand din viitor. Conferinta Irit Rogoff
Joi, 29 martie:
12:00-17:00 – Dezlantuind blestemul: reprezentarea in imperiul economiei naturale. Atelier cu Kristina Ask
18:00-18:45 – Cercetarea curatoriala in arta cu caracter jurnalistic. Prezentare Catalin Gheorghe
18:45-19:30 – Cum sa constitui (noi) publicuri de arta: arta contemporana ca instrument de putere. Prezentare Cristian Nae
19:30-20:30 – A fi interdisciplinar. Conferinta Michael Baers
Vineri, 30 martie:
12:00-17:00 – Dezlantuind blestemul: reprezentarea in imperiul economiei naturale. Atelier cu Kristina Ask
18:00-19:00 – Centrul de educatie participativa. Prezentare Mihaela Michailov
19:00-20:00 – Politehnica de arte, meserii & filosofie. Conferinta Bogdan Ghiu
20:30-21:00 – The Cabbage Process. Proiectie film Alexandra Croitoru

Participarea la atelierele cu h.arta si Kristina Ask se face pe baza de inscriere la adresa de e-mail: uneducation@hotmail.com.
Mai multe informatii despre program si participanti se pot gasi pe site-ul: http://www.subrahova.blogspot.com/

UN-EDUCATION este un proiect organizat de Asociatia Solitude Project in parteneriat cu Universitatea Nationala de Arte Bucuresti.

Conceptie si coordonare: Alexandra Croitoru si Raluca Voinea. Design grafic: Eduard Constantin. Asistenta proiect: Serban Manta. Traduceri: Sanda Mocanu. Multumiri: Ruxandra Demetrescu, Mihai Mihalcea, Alexandru Patatics, Manuel Pelmus.

Proiectul este realizat cu sprijinul ERSTE Foundation.
Parteneri: subRahova, UNA, Salonul de proiecte, Long April, Fundatia FORMAT, Observator Cultural, CriticAtac

English version

We invite you between March 27-30, 2012 at subRahovastr. Sergent Nuțu Ion nr. 2Bucuresti for a series of workshops, presentations and lectures part of the project UN-EDUCATION. Reflections on the future of artistic education.

UN-EDUCATION is a theoretical and practical inquiry into the current problems and possible models that the specific strand of artistic higher education creates. The project responds to a lack of awareness, both within the public discourse and at the level of the University context, towards the social and professional challenges that are brought by the new European regulations. Recently, there has a been an evaluation and re-classification of all Romanian Universities by the European Universities Association, that lead to the down-ranking of all the Universities of artistic creation. In the post-communist decades the artistic profession has gradually lost its significance as a relevant social position and this decision only helps this trend. Uniform standards imposed on all Universities, irrespective of their profiles and needs, create unbalanced opportunities for development.
On the other hand, the artistic education constitutes a particular case where rigid rules cannot apply, where innovative and experimental methods of teaching and learning can be tested - of which could benefit the entire educational system. Also, these questions and concerns have been intensely transferred from the University to other art institutions or informal initiatives, in what has been called the educational turn in contemporary art.
The project brings together a series of theorists and artists who have been teaching, writing on or discussing artistic education in their projects, thus offering to the public different perspectives from which one could imagine a future of artistic education in a specific place and not ignoring a broader context.

Participants: AAA+, Kristina Ask, Michael Baers, Pavel Braila, Alexandra Croitoru, E-cart.ro, Catalin Gheorghe & Cristian Nae, Bogdan Ghiu, h.arta, Mihaela Michailov, Irit Rogoff, Attila Tordai-S.

Tuesday, March 27:
12:00-17:00 – When the meanings of words begin to change. Worskhop with h.arta
18:00-19:00 – Art to be re-confirmed. Presentation by Angelica Iacob (E-cart.ro)
19:00-20:00 – Educratia. Presentation and screening by Carla Albert & Dan Angelescu (AAA+)
Discussions with students alongside the two projects
20:00-21:00 – How can one teach/ learn performance art? Presentation by Pavel Braila
Wednesday, March 28:
12:00-17:00 – When the meanings of words begin to change. Worskhop with h.arta
18:00-19:00 – Arts education: more organisations or more projects/ art works? Presentation by Attila Tordai-S.
19:00-20:00 – Learning from the future. Lecture by Irit Rogoff
Thursday, March 29:
12:00-17:00 – Unleashing the curse: representation in the dominion of natural economy. Workshop with Kristina Ask
18:00-18:45 – Curatorial research in art as journalism. Presentation by Catalin Gheorghe
18:45-19:30 – Constituting (new) audiences: contemporary art and empowerment. Presentation by Cristian Nae
19:30-20:30 – Being interdisciplinary. Lecture by Michael Baers
Friday, March 30:
12:00-17:00 – Unleashing the curse: representation in the dominion of natural economy. Workshop with Kristina Ask
18:00-19:00 – Participatory education centre. Presentation by Mihaela Michailov
19:00-20:00 – The polytechnic of arts, crafts & philosophy. Lecture by Bogdan Ghiu
20:30-21:00 – The Cabbage Process. Screening by Alexandra Croitoru

Participation at the workshops with h.arta and Kristina Ask is by registration at the e-mail: uneducation@hotmail.com.

UN-EDUCATION is a project organized by Solitude Project Association in partnership with National University of Arts Bucharest. Concept and coordination: Alexandra Croitoru and Raluca Voinea. Graphic design: Eduard Constantin. Project assistent:  Serban Manta. Translations: Sanda Mocanu. Special thanks to: Ruxandra Demetrescu, Mihai Mihalcea, Alexandru Patatics, Manuel Pelmus.

The project has been supported by ERSTE Foundation.

Partners: subRahova, UNA, Salonul de proiecte, Long April, FORMAT Foundation, Observator Cultural, CriticAtac

More information can be found on the website: http://www.subrahova.blogspot.com/